How to upload your website in the server?

  1. To do this you must install FTP software. We would suggest WinSCP, which is the best FTP software, though you have inbuilt ftp software in the cpanel, better you go for this.
  2. After installing WinSCP open it. You can see a button captioned 'New' in the right corner of the WinSCP window.
  3. Click it, so that you may see hostname text box in the top, where you need to give the domain name (with its extension). Then fill the username & password.
  4. Select FTP in the File Protocol - drop down list box. After selecting it you can now see the Port Number change as 21.
  5. Now click login to enter into your ftp account of your website. If you need to save the username and password, save it by before clicking the login button.
  6. You may now know how to open up your ftp account. But to have your files into the server you need to upload the files inside the public_html folder which will be there in your ftp account by default.
  7. The files that you have in the public_html folder are that you see in your webpage.
  8. So now you may know how to upload your files into the server.

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